After giving birth to my sons the first thing I notice was my life was not in order. What I mean about that was being a full-time student, working, cooking, cleaning, bathing the kids, finding time for myself and my husband, etc.
By, the end of the day I was tired and drained! Balancing everyday life as a WOMAN became overwhelming I had to take the necessary steps.……
– put the most important thing first which for me was the kids. What needed to be done and how can I put this on a schedule and stick with it. First I needed a bed time (8pm) for the boys, I learned how to plan dinner throughout the week that work for both me and the family. For example, on Sunday’s I would cook enough dinner that would be enough for Monday. Tuesday I would do the same cook for Wednesday. By the end of the week it would be something I can easily threw in the over or microwave, like pizza. Did this always work, NO BUT, I can honestly say this work well at least 3 weeks out of a month.
– don't over do it! I knew my time was limited during the week with the boys so I saved laundry, cleaning, food shopping for the weekends. I made it my duty to have less clutter in the house. (It just made me feel better). DE CLUTTER was my best friend, organizing, decluttering, budgeting, cleaning made my life easy! I learned from my grandmother if your house is not in order somewhere down the line your everyday life is not. Start with a fresh clean house!
– you can’t do it all by yourself have DADDY help!
Men should be a part of the daily routines at least until the children are old enough to do it on their own. For example, my husband had the responsibility of picking and dropping the boys off to school. This was very helpful because I was able to go straight home and prepare dinner. While in the kitchen I also made sure I was preparing next day breakfast and lunch if necessary. For instance, I would make the batter the night before for waffles in the morning, this little step saved me about 10 extra minutes in the morning. It may sound like a lot, but it wasn't.
– PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, find time for yourself even if it’s only 15 minutes. Give yourself a break! My husband every Sunday during the summer months take the boys out to watch basketball games around the neighborhood. I would have hours alone every Sunday! Love it! During this time I got to watch my favorite television shows, cook, and wash laundry at the same time! During the winter months he would usually find time with the boys to occupy their time still giving me that alone time to stick to my daily routine. I used Sunday’s to prepare for the week.
– be willing to ask family or close friends for help if needed. I had the advantage when the boys were younger to ask other family members (sister, grandmother) can they keep the boys for the weekend here is where my husband and I got to spend time together.
Balance is the key to everyday life
Yes, sometimes we do fall off track that’s a part of life but the thing is to make sure you get back on track. If you find yourself always tired, exhausted, never having time to get things done then follow the steps above.
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